Board of Trustees: Meeting Notice
The Board of Trustees meets on the fourth Tuesday of every month at the Nutley Public Library. There are no meetings during the months of July and August. A special combined meeting for November and December is scheduled for the second Tuesday in December.
Board of Trustees Meeting Notice
- Wayne D. Greenfeder: President
- Pat Ritacco: Vice President
- Brenda Sherman: Treasurer
- Jerilyn Margulies: Secretary & Delegate to Superintendent of Schools
- Christina Osieja: Member at Large
- Salvatore Scarpelli: Member at Large
- Mayor John V. Kelly III: Ex-Officio
- Theresa Ruffo: Delegate to Mayor John V. Kelly III
- Kent Bania: Superintendent of Nutley Public Schools
- Anthony J. Iannarone: Trustee Emeritus
- Rosanna Tangorra: Honorary Trustee
- Harry W. Chenoweth: Honorary Trustee
- Michelle Salimbene Albert: Library Director